Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving...our home, our families, our friends...the list could go on forever. This year I felt like we were even more thankful for our happy, healthy children who are just growing too fast.
We take for granted our little munchkins every day. We love them so much and are so glad God called us to be parents! It was so nice to spend all Thanksgiving weekend with them doing nothing but enjoying time together! We were so glad Daddy had a break from work and enjoyed some R&R with us!!!
We hope everyone had a wonderful day with lots of food, fellowship and love!

The only way Brynn would be in a picture if mommy was too!

Silly kids!

Brynn helping Mommy get ready!

Her little personality is really starting to shine!

Already into the makeup like sister :)