Monday, November 29, 2010


The two little one's not only had a great Thanksgiving, they even had a special treat over the weekend! Daddy saw an advertisement for Elmo Live, so we logged on and to our surprise there were still tickets- and good seats too! Graham just loved Elmo the Gang and of course little sister slept through the entire hour and a half show!

Two Little Turkeys

Graham and Belle had a wonderful Thanksgiving (and looked especially cute in their matching outfits!) Graham loved playing ball with all his cousins and Belle of course just sat around and looked pretty! We are especially thankful this year for all our two precious children, our family and all of our friends!
Two Little Turkeys!

Oh Mom...more pictures???

Belle's 1st Turkey Day!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Our First trip as Four

We decided to finally be adventurous and take a road trip with the two kiddos!

Belle did great on her first trip to Memphis and of course Graham LOVED it all- the hotel, the basketball game (YAY- the Celtics beat the Grizzlies!)  and the "duck march" at the Peabody Hotel! Fun was had by all (even sleep-deprived Mommy!)

Welcome to our World

We've decided to start a blog instead of having two seperate websites for the kids! We thought it would be great to share our stories (and pictures of our two tots!) on one easy website! We hope you enjoy- especially those of you who only see us on those special occasions!