Thursday, September 13, 2012

The dynamic duo...

Graham and Belle have more and more fun together each day (and more fighting too! ) But overall the two toddlers are really starting to interact with each other and enjoy playing together.
Graham occassionally plays dress up with Belle (thank goodness Brynn will soon take his spot!) and Belle enjoys playing with Graham's train table and animal barn! Graham is now teaching Belle all the rules of every sporting event he knows!
Here are just a few snapshots of our two before church one morning!

Baby Brynn's 1st Month

Our little peanut is just growing and growing. She weighed 9 pounds at her 1 month checkup! Mommy wishes time would slow down and she would stay a little munchkin forever! Although Daddy is ready for her to grow so he can start playing with him and the other two tots!
Here are just a few pictures of our new bundle of joy over the last month!
So comfy!

In her ballerina outfit from G.G.

We are loving our life with three!!!